
Thursday, June 4, 2020

whats a good email?

LI - identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding  & LI -  Make connections between texts (Group L).

This week for reading we had to create a digital poster or slideshow and include all the things that are needed for appropriate email etiquette. Once we had created  it, we had to make a screencastify talking about our poster. Here is my learning I hope you like it. ðŸ˜œ  

Thanks for reading my blog have a nice rest of your day. 
Did you learn something new about emails ?

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To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
Encourage me to make another post