
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

how does your immune system react to the Covid-19 vaccine ?

welcome back, this week for writing we had to write an explanation text about something, we could do this about anything I chose to do ' How does your immune system react to Covid-19 and how does the Covid-19 vaccine help? last week we had to create a plan for this using loads research, facts, vocab, useful resources and links, and most of all ideas. heres my finished writing  and the planning ๐Ÿ˜„



thank for reading my writing blog for the week I hope you learnt something new, have you got your Covid-19 vaccine yet? did you know who invented the vaccine ?

Thursday, November 4, 2021

13 Climate ACTION!

welcome back, this week for reading we learnt about climate change and its effects on the earth, we had to read different texts about it like the sustainable development goals, if you have never heard about them before the are goals about sustainability like number 13: climate action. our create for the week was to make a poster or visual image about 5 ways we can stop climate change by 2030 I chose to make a poster, heres mine๐Ÿ˜€

thanks for reading my blog for this week about climate change. I hope you enjoyed learning about the sustainable development goals.What can you do to help? have you ever heard about the sustainable development goals?

Monday, September 27, 2021


Welcome back, for reading this week we were looking at what it means to be in a community. We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of being in a community. Some of the advantages are having company, having a friend you can trust and many more, we read an article about a man who lived on an island alone for more than 30 years!

We read a poem inspired by the beatitudes, here's my own unique version! do you think you could live alone on island for more than a decade?

Thanks for reading my blog for reading this week! Do you know what the beatitudes are? What community are you involved in? do like being a part of one?  

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

3D shapes

 Welcome back, this week for maths we have been focusing on the difference of 2D and 3D shapes. our create was to make 2 3D shapes out of household items like toothpicks and blue tack, I made mine out of Bamboo skewers and blue tack and I make a pentagonal prism and a triangular based pyramid. First I cut the skewers into equal pieces and then I used blue tack to stick them together. here was my create๐Ÿ˜

Thanks for reading my blog for this week, have you ever made 3D shapes like this? do you know what the difference between 2D and 3D shapes are? 

How to make...

 Welcome back, this week for reading we focused on learning to read instructions. we had to follow a set of instructions the teachers gave us. I chose to do a baking one which made scones! Mine turned out delicious and my family loved them. here are the images I took throughout the process. enjoy!๐Ÿ˜…

Thanks for reading my reading blog for this week, have you ever made scones? do you like following instructions? 

How to do a fishtail braid...

 Welcome back, this week for writing we learnt about writing a set of instructions. we had the choice of writing our instructions about whatever we wanted, and we could use visual representation to help the reader understand. I wrote mine about how to do a fishtail braid. here was my create for the week Enjoy!๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks for reading my blog for writing this week, did you try this? did you learn anything? do you know how to do a fishtail braid? 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Movie genres

 Welcome back, this week for maths we focused on statistical investigations and data. our create was to make data and create a statistical investigation using a graph about is using two variables and then to create an DLO about is showing our data and our graph. here was my create for maths this week๐Ÿ˜

Thanks for reading my blog for maths this week, Do you know what a statistical investigation is? do you like collecting data?